Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!   To all the mothers out there.  This is me and my mom in 2007 when I got married.  She helps me everyday and we are very close friends.  I hope to be as a great a mother with my own girls.

So work has been a little stressful lately.  Our campus will be losing staff and students due to a new school opening in the fall.  The teachers just found out who will be staying and leaving last Friday, which made for a crazy scrabbling to assemble our new teams.  Tensions have been high and feelings a bit raw, but most folks are now excited to make some new grade level changes. 

This week we have some more state testing for our fifth graders, and my intervention teachers have been tutoring HARD!  Our kids can do this and I am confident they will. 

We are in the home stretch now!!!!


  1. Glad everything is working out now! Change can be hard....always hope for the best! I have 2 girls too! Aren't the just the best?!


    1. Karen,
      How old are your girls? I am an all-girl momma...not sure I'd know how to raise a boy

  2. Hello!
    I was cleaning up my blog log today and I could not find my middle school blog log button on your website. Did you still want to be apart of this blog log?
    Please let me know
    Kristy :)@ 2peasandadog@gmail dot com
